Good morning students, parents/guardians
I hope that you are all well.
Today I have lots of news but I will try to be quick.
Reopening of Schools
On Friday 5 June, the government agreed to accelerate the Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business, which has been made possible thanks to the progress made by the Irish people in suppressing the virus.
The reconfigured Roadmap will consist of 4 Phases, instead of 5, with Phase 3 beginning on 29 June and Phase 4 on 20 July.
On Friday June 12 the Government published 2 documents of interest to our schools and students.
Planning for reopening schools in line with the Roadmap for reopening society and business(
The overall objective is to open schools in accordance with the normal start of the new school year to the fullest extent while minimising the risks from a public health perspective. Arrangements will allow for new routines to be established and bedded in within schools.
Public health guidance – Detailed work is being done in relation to development of public health guidance for school setting.
Guidance and templates to enable schools comply with the requirements of the national Return to Work Safely Protocol are being developed
Awareness raising and training – Guidance and on-line training modules, webinars etc. are being developed for use by schools, parents and students etc.
Enhanced cleaning regime – Additional resources will be provided to schools to enable enhanced cleaning regimes to be put in place for operation of schools.
Good hand hygiene –schools will purchase hand- sanitisers for use in the school and classroom.
It is not envisaged that significant PPE will be required in school settings
Mental health and Wellbeing – There will be a strong focus on supporting mental health and wellbeing of students and staff during the initial phase of re-opening schools.
Teaching and learning and curriculum: The Department is working with a number of bodies tailor teaching and learning appropriately to the needs of students as they reengage with school.
Blended learning/alternative provision: Planning for a blended learning approach (on-line/in school) will be a feature of the approach to planning to reopen schools as there may be circumstances where schools will have to respond quickly to changed circumstances at local, regional or national level.
Consultation and Communication – The Department of Education and Skills will continue to consult and communicate with stakeholders in relation to the development of guidance and supports for the re-opening of schools.
Summer Provision 2020(
The Department of Education has published the Summer Provision 2020 document which may be viewed at
The programmes outlined in this document will focus on children with complex needs, within defined categories. There are three programmes.
1. School-based programme of education for children with complex
2. Home-based programme for children with complex
3. HSE-led summer programme for children with complex needs,
based in community settings, such as school buildings.
Scoil Naomh Eltin does not run a School-based July Provision Programme but you may register your child if he/she qualifies for a Home-based Summer Programme on provision
School year 2020/2021 at Scoil Naomh Eltin
The staff of Scoil Naomh Eltin are busy preparing for the new school year 2020/2021.
School Year Calendar 2020/2021
A proposed 2020/2021 school calendar will issue this week. Please be informed however that this is subject to change following instruction from the Government and the Department of Education and Skills.
Classes for the school year 2020/2021
Classes and class teachers for the school year 2020/2021 are currently being finalised. Some classes are being reconfigured due to an increased allocation of staff. You will receive further communication in relation to this as school closes for the summer holidays.
Active Schools Week
The staff of Scoil Naomh Eltin continue to work with ours students who are to be congratulated for their participation and commitment.
We are nearing the end of our school year ( if you are not sure Scoil Naomh Eltin will close for the summer holidays on Wednesday June 24th). and this week we are celebrating Active Schools Week. Your teacher send you a plan and you will also see it on the school website.
Don’t forget look at (week 6)and see what coach Claire has done. She has brought us back to school. Thank you Claire.
If you would like please send pictures and videos of yourself doing some fun activities this week. We would love to put them on the school website. Can I ask you also to remember to take the time to read each day during this week.
Return of Book Rental Books
Parents/Guardians as is usual at the end of the school year book rental books must be returned to school. You will be sent a message this week to advise of your allocated time slot to come to school on this Thursday June 18th. You will also be sent a list of the books to be returned. If you cannot manage to come to school then please ask a friend to do so in your place. It is very important that all books are returned.
Book Lists
Book lists for the school year 2020/2021 will be issued shortly. Please remember that you may email High Street Books who will post books to you.
School Reports
End of year report cards will issue on Friday June 19th via Aladdin.
Our sixth class students will make history and celebrate their graduation from Scoil Naomh Eltin in an online celebration on Friday June 19th. We are looking forward to this celebration. Can you please think of them on this day and wish them well.
Now the week begins so let’s get active!!!
Be safe agus slán tamall !