On Wednesday 31st January we will be welcoming the grandparents of Scoil Naomh Eltin to our school. This is always a day our students enjoy immensely. We would hugely appreciate if any parents would be willing to bake or contribute in any way to the tea/coffee morning that follows, baking may be brought to school in the morning.
Thanking you, Mrs. McCarthy Please complete and return as appropriate: I will bake for Grandparent’s Day I will not be able to bake for Grandparent’s Day Parent signature: ________________________________ Child’s name: _________________________________ *Please note as we have a student with Anaphylaxis, please ensure that baking does not contain nuts* The closing date for Enrolment Applications for Scoil Naomh Eltin for the school year 2018/2019 is Friday February 23rd, 2018. If you have family friends or neighbours with students enrolling please advise them of the closing date. Thank you Susan O'Hanrahan It was an early start for 6th class last Saturday as they departed Kinsale at 5.30am bound for Dublin to showcase their project at the RDS Primary Science Fair. Their project explored the impact of Ocean Acidification on marine life in Kinsale. The pupils did a wonderful job of explaining their project to members of the public and to the judges who were impressed with all the data and information they had collected. As a reward for all their hard work Eli Lilly kindly treated the class to pizza. Children had a wonderful day and we hope to see some of them representing Kinsale in the Secondary Schools Young Scientist competition in the future.
January 2018
Dear Parent /Guardian On behalf of all Scoil Naomh Eltin I take this opportunity to wish you a happy and peaceful new year. Uniform/Tracksuit Days School tracksuit is to be worn on Tuesday and Thursday for this term. Full school uniform( including dark school shoes ) is to be worn on Monday/Wednesday and Friday . Punctuality Time in school is critical to your child’s learning. Last term it was noted that a number of students were coming late to school. This causes disruption not only for the student but also for the class. Please support the school and ensure that your child comes to school on time and thus comes to understand the importance of being punctual. School Activities A list of after school activities for this term will be issued by note this week and will also be on our school website. Parking Please use drop off zones to drop students only and then move on. Please do not double park on school grounds as this causes congestion. The staff car park is for staff only. Staff must be able to enter and leave at all times . Please do not interfere with the cones which block entrance to the staff car park. Le gach dea ghuí ____________________________ Susan O’ Hanrahan |
September 2024