Our school is proud to announce that we were recently awarded a Discover Science and Maths award for STEM excellence. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) is very much evident in Scoil Naomh Eltin. Pupils have worked hard to develop their skills in these areas and teachers must also be commended for creating such positive learning experiences for children.
We are so grateful to Supervalu KInsale and Kinsale Tidy Towns for presenting us with our new apple tree! We had fun planting the tree and look forward to nurturing it over the coming years.
Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Míle buíochas! Congratulations to all the children who made their First Holy Communion last Saturday. We were blessed with beautiful sunshine for the morning and everybody looked fantastic! A big thank you to the Parents' Association for the wonderful spread in the hall, and an even bigger thank you to Miss O'Driscoll for all the hard work in preparing the class. Over the past number of weeks 5th class pupils have been taking part in "ENGINEERING-in-a-Box" a fun engaging 10 week programme that allows children to work as engineers as they look at engineering and design challenges that have faced humans throughout history. The children aided by two chemical engineers from Eli Lilly have worked together in groups to come up with solutions. Children have demonstrated some fantastic problem solving skills and have thoroughly enjoyed each lesson |
June 2024