We are delighted to announce that Scoil Naomh Eltin has been awarded the Blue Star Flag for 2019/2020. The award follows work completed by students in 4th, 5th and 6th class throughout the school year which examined the History, Geography, and Culture of Europe as well as the Institutions of the EU. The year-long project was completed by the celebration of Europe Day by students from every class in the school from Junior Infants to 6th class in May. Thank you to all the students who contributed to this project. The video was created from all the wonderful submissions we received to celebrate Europe Day. | |
The European Union's motto is "United in Diversity". We are lucky at Scoil Naomh Eltin to be members of such a diverse school community. Approximately 30 languages are spoken by our families with students having links to a variety of countries around the world. The project gave our school another opportunity to celebrate the varied identity and heritage of our students. In early March of this year the Student Council organised a motto creation competition for students in the school. The winning entry was "a rainbow would be boring with just one colour".
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June 2024