Tá comórtas ar siúl ar scoil an tseachtain seo don Seachtain na Gaeilge. Ba mhaith linn an oiread Gaeilge agus is féidir a chloisteáil i rith an lae scoile agus go háirithe sa chlós. Bíonn na múinteoirí ag éisteacht don rang is fearr gach lá agus beidh duais ann don rang is fearr ar an Aoine. Seo iad frásaí úsáideacha don scoil, don chlós agus don bháile. Déan iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt!!
Parents/Guardians, boys and girls,
As part of Seachtain na Gaeilge, we are having a competition in school this week. We want to hear as much Gaeilge as possible throughout the school day, especially on the yard. Teachers will be listening out for the best class each day and there will be a prize for the class with the most points on Friday. Here are some useful phrases for school, the yard and at home. Let's all make a big effort to speak Gaeilge this week!!