I don't want to be a bully cos I don't want to feel bad
I don't want to be bullied cos I don't want to feel sad.
Today we had a visit form the Cyclone Rep Theatre Company who presented a workshop through drama on anti bullying measures. The message from Peadar Donohoe (Director of the Bullying Prevention Sessions) is as follows; "We hope this resource helps to create school environments which have lower frequencies of bullying behaviour contributing to an overall message that bullying is wrong and will not be tolerated. A strong message against bullying behaviours in schools is bound to have repercussions as bullying is a major social problem. It affects people in the home, school, workplace, sports pitch, disco, etc. For far too long bullying has been accepted as a way of life, something people had to be put up with and that very little could be done about. The tide is beginning to turn against this kind of thinking but this is still in its infancy. However, in 2011 the United Nations commented in Article 19 on The Rights of the Child that all young people have the right to an education free from harassment and bullying. Such acknowledgment of the need to safeguard basic human rights in the school environment is helpful. However, to accomplish the creation of a bully free school environment where students can maximize their learning potential, we will all have to work together to change hearts and minds.
Let’s stem the tide and join together to help our schools maximize their potential and flourish as places of learning."
Our sincere thanks to Peadar and his team. A special word of thanks to Marcus, Ms O' Driscoll and Ms. O' Connor for coordinating this project and for bringing it to our school. Thanks to our Parent Association for subsidising the cost and for joining in.
Why not ask ourselves the following :
What did I learn?
What two things will I do?