June Update
A special word of congratulations to our 5th class students and their teachers on taking first place in the Port of Cork Competition. The students have already had a tour of Cork Harbour by boat and on June 8th ,they will board a cruise liner in Cobh and enjoy lunch aboard.
School Closures
June 5th Bank Holiday
June 15th Staff Meeting (School will close at 12.30)
June 30th School will close for Summer Holiday at 12.30
Summer Uniform Update
Summer uniform may be worn as an alternative to tracksuit on tracksuit days only. This consists of white polo, school shorts and tracksuit top.
Tracksuits days for this term are:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Upcoming Events
June 2nd Relationships and Sexuality Education 1 (Girls Only 4th to 6th)
June 6th Internet/Social Medial Security Talk (5th and 6th)
June 9th Health Promoting School Award/Flag Ceremony
Giving for Living with Cork 96fm
Relationship and Sexuality Education 2 (5th and 6th Boys/Girls)
June 13th Internet/Social Media Security Talk for Parent of Students in 3rd to 6th class
June 18th Corpus Christi Procession leaving Parish after 12 o’ clock Mass. A special invitation is extended to all First Holy Communicants, students and their friends and families.
June 19th School Reports and booklists will be sent home.
June 20th Sixth class end of year school mass (time to be confirmed)
June 23rd School uniform / Book Sale at Scoil Naomh Eltin 12.30 to 3.30.
School Tours
Junior & Senior Infants: Rumley’s Pet Farm: Friday June 23rd
Third, Fourth and Fifth: West Cork Secret, Monday June 12th
In School Activities
Junior Infants to Second class: Yoga
All Classes: Gymnastics
After School Activities:
Keyboard Club Monday
Musical Theatre Wednesday
Art Lessons Monday
Guitar Lessons Tuesday/Thursdays
Hip Hop Thursdays
Homework Club Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
(Please contact the school office for information on the above activities)