Lá le Pádraig
A Note of Thanks and Appreciation
Dear Parent/Guardian
On behalf of the staff of Scoil Naomh Eltin I wish to thank you most sincerely for the great turn out and unique costumes at the St Patrick’s Day Parade. In undertaking this venture we hoped to create an understanding and appreciation of Irish History in this commemorative year. Thank you for all you did to support this. The result and the outstanding display far surpassed our expectations. The school is still receiving calls of commendation.
Winning first prize was indeed a matter of pride and the presentation in the Trident Hotel on the 17th was a high spirited occasion.
The prizes received (a voucher for The White Lady and the Bluehaven) have been raffled. David Thorpe and Jasmine Linehan are the lucky winners. The cup has arrived in the school and the name of the school will be engraved on it shortly.
Sincere thanks to Natalie Grey for her support whilst costumes were being created and to Martin and Aileen Mc Ginn for loaning their car and driving our float.
Again thank you for your involvement. We had a great day. The students at Scoil Naomh Eltin are a credit to their families and their school. How lucky we are to work with such an enthusiastic and collaborative community.
Le míle, míle buíochas
Susan O’ Hanrahan