Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion 2017
Dear Parents,
We look forward to seeing you at Mass on Saturday 24th September at 6.30pm in St. John the Baptist Parish Church for the Enrolment of your child for First Reconiciliation and First Holy Communion.
Please note the following:
- Please try to arrive 5-10 minutes before Mass and sit towards the front of the church.
- Bring your childs Enrolment Certificate and Thumb Book. Please read the Introduction and page 8 and 9 of the Thumb Book with your child a few days before the Mass.
- After the Homily, you will be invited to come forward to the front of the church with your child for the Enrolment Ceremony.
- At Communion time, come forward with your child, with their hands crossed over their chest, for a prayer of blessing.
- After Mass come to the front of the church to collect a candle for the prayer space in your home and the ‘Grapevine’ newsletter. Please read the Gospel reading in the ‘Grapevine’ before the next ‘Do This in Memory’ Mass.
I hope that you find the Grapevine Newsletter useful as you and your child prepare for their First Eucharist.
Yours sincerely,
Fr. Robert